Efficient Exercise
Daily activity is equally important to proper nutrition in order to maintain goal weight, tone muscles, keep energy and metabolism rate up, sweat out pollutants, and keep stress levels down.
Optimum exercise is aerobic (cardio) which burns carbohydrates, releases immediate energy, and keeps arterial blood clean – 30 to 60 minutes a day, can include walking, jogging, running, swimming, gym equipment; anaerobic (resistance) which burns fat and offers muscle tone – 15 to 30 minutes 3-4 x a week, can include push-ups, sit-ups, weights, resistance bands, gym equipment; and, stretching (yoga) which helps your body avoid injury and stay limber – 10 minutes a day directly after exercise. Have a small energizing snack an hour or two before your work out and replenish with magnesium-rich foods, such as spinach, and potassium-rich foods, such as avocado, along with some protein; this will help with any fatigue. Eat proportioned to your work out.
Pro-Tip: Aerobic movement is an everyday need; walking the dog, taking the stairs, and cleaning the house all count, but it is not how many steps you take that matter, it is getting that heart rate up. Anaerobic should be every other day to let your muscles rest in between. Stretching after any exercise is optimum. Start slow and gradually build up if you are not normally active. Even 10 minutes a day can greatly improve a woman’s health.