Fresh Fruit Smoothie

Fresh Fruit Smoothie

Rejuvenation of your body, mind, and spirit starts from within. Her Signature Plan will help you hit the restart button and achieve your long-term health and wellness goals. This plan will show you how to nourish your body from within; choose nutrient-dense foods and hydrating beverages; follow purposeful recipes; eliminate pollutants; incorporate regular movement and exercise; manage stress and sleep patterns; balance hormones; choose the best essential oils and clean-choice products; and revitalize skincare. 

Ingredient combination should have a purpose for your health. For instance, the combination in this fresh fruit smoothie offers energy, gut balance, cellular and immune system health, blood pressure and blood sugar regulation, skin rejuvenation, and stress reduction.

  • 1 Cup Almond Milk (protein, calcium, and vitamin D for energy and muscular health)
  • 1/2 Cup Yogurt (good bacteria for gut balancing)
  • 1/2 Cup Strawberries (vitamin C for vibrant skin and immune health and flavonoids for blood pressure regulation)
  • 1/4 Cup Pineapple (bromelain for melatonin release and stress relief)
  • 1 Banana (potassium for cellular structure and brain function)
  • 1 Teaspoon Rolled Oats (folate for blood cell health)
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Cinnamon (for sweetness and blood sugar regulation)

Blend all ingredients until in a blender or juicer until well pureed. Serves 2.

Pro-Tip: There is a nutrient rule when blending vegetables and fruits. Fruits have a different carbohydrate and sugar content than vegetables. They digest quicker, ferment in the stomach, and as a general rule, should not be combined with vegetables. The exceptions to this are spinach, chard, and collards which are the green leafy vegetables that combine well with fruit. 

Get an array of purposeful recipes in Her Signature Plan.